
Why is it a natural fit for Huntingdonshire?

Manufacturing is Huntingdonshire’s heritage and foundation sector. It has a mixture of long-established businesses that have been innovating for decades. This cluster boasts an enviable mix of strong traditional craft and skilled engineering labour pool that has attracted a new wave of R&D intensive businesses utilising advanced manufacturing methods to create a range of products (materials, composites etc) for the automotive, aerospace, medical, defence and technology sectors.

Access to Market

Huntingdonshire has always been a thriving hub of manufacturing, now with over 550 businesses of all sizes within the cluster, from very large companies like Hilton Food Group PLC to growing companies like Charpak Ltd. In fact, the district has the largest volume of manufacturing business in Cambridgeshire, cementing its position as a leading manufacturing cluster in the East of England. This leading position also applies to the advanced manufacturing sector. Research from the Judge Business School shows that Huntingdonshire is also home to more advanced manufacturing companies, like Paragraf, Titan Motorsport and BioBean, than neighbouring Peterborough, Fenland, and East Cambs. It is in the top 10 regions in the UK in advanced manufacturing (4.8% of total UK output. Source: The Open Data Institute) and ideally placed to access the innovation cluster in Cambridge and eco-cluster in Peterborough.

People in meeting
Shipping containers
Robot in factory
Warehouse working

Access to Labour & Knowledge

Manufacturing has always been the driving force of the Huntingdonshire economy and is a very mature industry sector, with the average age of companies being 17 years since incorporation. The sector supports over 13,000 manufacturing jobs – 15.3% of total employment, well above both the regional and national average and employment is growing 3% annually.

Access to the vital mix of labour needed in manufacturing and advanced manufacturing businesses is also boosted by the district’s proximity to the regions Universities with strong technology, engineering, mathematics and material’s science departments, offering both access to key knowledge but also a pipeline of appropriate talent. There is also Government support for technical education and industry placements, as well as investment in skilled jobs, enhancing the career opportunities in manufacturing.

Warehouse working

Access to Labour & Knowledge

Manufacturing has always been the driving force of the Huntingdonshire economy and is a very mature industry sector, with the average age of companies being 17 years since incorporation. The sector supports over 13,000 manufacturing jobs – 15.3% of total employment, well above both the regional and national average and employment is growing 3% annually.

Access to the vital mix of labour needed in manufacturing and advanced manufacturing businesses is also boosted by the district’s proximity to the regions Universities with strong technology, engineering, mathematics and material’s science departments, offering both access to key knowledge but also a pipeline of appropriate talent. There is also Government support for technical education and industry placements, as well as investment in skilled jobs, enhancing the career opportunities in manufacturing.

Access to Transport Network

Huntingdonshire is a key arterial region that has seen significant, recent investment in its road infrastructure.  The 2020 £1.5bn upgrade to the A14 between Huntingdon and Cambridge has made the routes to Cambridge, Peterborough, London and key international ports, such as Felixstowe, and airports much faster.  The region also sits on high speed and accessible passenger and freight rail links to the London and the North.  There is also an established guided bus link from Huntingdon and St Ives directly into Cambridge city centre.

This vital infrastructure enables manufacturing companies to move materials and products easily, as well as enabling staff to travel to and from work, whether they live in close proximity or a bit further afield.

Loading docks
Container ship

Fit with UK Strategy

The UK is looking to take the lead in cutting-edge technology and revolutionary research, leading the race to a net zero economy. The advanced manufacturing sector provides solutions for many of the industry sectors that the UK government is focused on to provide growth in the UK economy such as; Aerospace and jet zero, Biopharmaceuticals, Carbon capture, usage and storage, Clean agri-tech, Greener buildings, Healthcare and life sciences, MedTech, Sustainable infrastructure and Technology, are reliant on the advanced manufacturing industry providing solutions. 

The Economic Development Team for Invest in Huntingdonshire are constantly horizon scanning for funding and skills support that can be utilised to support the growth of the advanced manufacturing sector in the region in support of the key sector focus for the UK economy.


Fit with UK Strategy

The UK is looking to take the lead in cutting-edge technology and revolutionary research, leading the race to a net zero economy. The advanced manufacturing sector provides solutions for many of the industry sectors that the UK government is focused on to provide growth in the UK economy such as; Aerospace and jet zero, Biopharmaceuticals, Carbon capture, usage and storage, Clean agri-tech, Greener buildings, Healthcare and life sciences, MedTech, Sustainable infrastructure and Technology, are reliant on the advanced manufacturing industry providing solutions. 

The Economic Development Team for Invest in Huntingdonshire are constantly horizon scanning for funding and skills support that can be utilised to support the growth of the advanced manufacturing sector in the region in support of the key sector focus for the UK economy.


Manufacturing Data & Insights

Over 550 companies

An established community

Huntingdonshire already has an established and mature base of manufacturing businesses within the region. The average age of these businesses is 17 years since incorporation, demonstrating an enviable longevity and resilience.

Rich source of skill

There are already over 10,000 employed in manufacturing and 3,000 in advanced manufacturing in the district. 

Over 13,000 employed in manufacturing
Within 1 tacho of Felixstowe

Proximity to International Port

The international port of Felixstowe, which accounts for 40% of the UK’s container trade, is a 1hr 30minute drive from the district and within 1 tacho (there and back) for road haulage companies.



Why Charpak Chose Huntingdonshire

The technology and advanced manufacturing company Charpak, based in Huntingdon, is an award-winning family business making thermoform packaging and is responsible for creating the UK’s first localised circular economy. Read more about their journey from St Neots-based toy manufacturer to a modern, dynamic packaging company transforming waste into resource in Huntingdon.


Why Charpak Chose Huntingdonshire

The technology and advanced manufacturing company Charpak, based in Huntingdon, is an award-winning family business making thermoform packaging and is responsible for creating the UK’s first localised circular economy. Read more about their journey from St Neots-based toy manufacturer to a modern, dynamic packaging company transforming waste into resource in Huntingdon.

Buildings and road

Key Developments: Alconbury Weald & The Enterprise Zone

Located on the rail and road transport spine of the country, with easy access to all corners of the country, Alconbury Campus lies between the global innovation hub of Cambridge and the environmental services cluster of Peterborough. The Campus is part of a wider development which includes homes, schools, retail and community facilities as well as a major transport hub.

Innovative businesses:
Businesses who have located to Alconbury Enterprise Campus include: BioBean who are recycling waste coffee grounds into advanced biofuels, biomass pellets and, in the near future biodiesel; AMFresh specialising in innovating and developing healthy, natural and fresh foods globally; and IKO Group who have their enertherm PIR insulation manufacturing plant at Alconbury. The campus is home to a growing number of manufacturers utilising sensor technology and robotics within their production. Many are collaborating with Universities and bringing the latest innovation from across the UK to their facilities to improve productivity and efficiency, embracing digital tech in manufacturing.


Contact Us

For more information, please contact us:

Tel: 01480 388 074


Invest in Huntingdonshire
Huntingdonshire District Council
St Mary's Street
PE29 3TN